Bot/Scraping/Crawler Traffic on Sites

October 26, 2022

Update: May 29, 2024

Sports Reference is primarily dependent on ad revenue, so we must ensure that actual people using web browsers have the best possible experience when using this site. Unfortunately, non-human traffic, ie bots, crawlers, scrapers, can overwhelm our servers with the number of requests they send us in a short amount of time. Therefore we are implementing rate limiting on the site. We will attempt to keep this page up to date with our current settings.

Currently we will block users sending requests to:

  • FBref and Stathead sites more often than ten requests in a minute.
  • our other sites more often than twenty requests in a minute.
  • This is regardless of bot type and construction and pages accessed.
  • If you violate this rule your session will be in jail for up to a day.

Why Not Provide an API?

Most of our data comes from third parties who sell the data to us. As part of our agreements with them we can not provide the data available as a download on our site. We are aware that an API would mitigate some issues, but it's not our business model.

For more information on data use of SR sites, see our Data Use page.